Website Update Logs

These are slightly innacurate and are not updated often, unless I either remember to do so or I update huge portions and or complicated portions of the website.

2/9/2025 12:39AM
I have updated the Video Viewer to scale properly on larger displays.

I also fixed the 404 Errors page, so now it won't just send you to a broken version of the landing page!

Lastly, I fixed the Nav bars more tab, it wasn't centered properly before but should be now!

There are some other minor changes mainly to the Styling of the Mobile side of things but nothing too big.

1/30/2025 10:58PM
Updated the Projects url code to fix some very Edgecase scenarios that would prevent the page from loading properly.

I am also doing my best to remove all use of "?=" variables in the Urls so this is one thing I have completely removed from the project pages.

Old links "Should" still work and I am working on making project links far shorter for sharing.

1/24/2025 8:56PM
Changed the Side Recent Projects code to show recently modified projects from all categories rather than just from the current category because I sometimes modify things in other categories too.

1/21/2025 6:41PM
Completely Overhauled the Servers Pages to flow a lot more smoothly and be a lot more modular on the backend.

Text now wraps around the side server info panel and the Downloads and Notes div now are as wide as the rest of the content.

1/13/2025 10:04PM
I got carried away and ended up redoing most of the server page, moving most elements around and making it a bit more asthetically pleasing.

This still needs work but it's a lot better than before.

I also added in a search bar to help with searching for specific servers as I see that page getting a lot more crowded over time.

1/13/2025 5:35PM
Updated the server and side content server lists to have a way sleeker loading animation. This is a very minimalist approach and I am very proud of how it turned out!

For the technical sides of it, I made sure that the number of loading server divs show are equal to the number of servers I am currently showing on the webpage and I also have fake loading text in each div that is randomized to look either longer or shorter when loaded to make it look a bit more realistic and less copy pasted!

1/10/2025 12:02AM
Added code to the Snow season that fixes issues with resizing the browser window and not resizing the snowflakes aswell.

I also updated my birthday Season Code to fix the issues with it showing up on some months when the variables matched even slightly enough to be considered my birthday ;D...

12/30/2024 1:31AM
Added code to make the "Loading..." animated! It's not perfect yet as it's a bit broken on Mobile but I will fix it when I get some more time!

I mainly just needed it as sometimes the Servers page takes a bit to load and it makes people think it's frozen since there isn't any indication that it's doing something.

11/22/2024 4:02PM
Updated the server IP code to actually show the correct Public IP just incase my ISP decides to reset it again.

10/4/2024 5:53PM
Updated the server status code to hopefully fix some issues when errors occured and showed the server as online even when offline.

Also Randomized the side content servers that are shown to show more of the currently online servers.

11/19/2023 9:52AM
Edited a bunch of text on the landing page and about page to reduce the cringeworthy information present to make the site a little bit more professional.

Fixed up a few issues from when I switched webservers. Some things are still a little broken and there is still no database at this time but for now they should all work for the most part.

11/6/2023 2:52AM
Removed the Banner. It repeated the Logo and welcome message too many times. It can be found in the Archived Projects section for those still interested in playing with it.

Also updated multiple pages to reduce the top margin to fix spacing issues due to Banner being missing.

7/29/2023 10:34AM
Updated the Index pages ZigZag with more Zigs and Zags.

I also added some more image optimizations to the website here and there.

7/25/2023 11:09PM
Removed the Twitter Feed from the Side-Content entirely.

Also removed twitter from the footer and the socials page and replaced it with Instagrams Threads.

I am working on a better side-content widget which will appear in the coming weeks.

7/17/2023 7:37PM
I updated the landing page with a bit of new content and am working on more stuff for it shortly.

I also updated the scrolling LW banner to a newer logo!

7/10/2023 1:38PM
I added in a new page for Recipes, check it here!

This is mainly to help me and Tako keep track of our recipes and share them if needed and please keep in mind that this page is by all means not finalized, it needs a lot of work still but the basic implementation is there!

I also updated the footer with the recipes link!

7/4/2023 5:37PM
I did a bunch of back end work again for the server lists to make inputing information for myself a lot easier. Most of the servers information should be up to date as of today, still working on a few of them though.

I also added the server status to the server pages so you can see it there too if you ever wanted too before!

I also added in a version section to the server side information on the server pages to show if a server is on a specific version or branch like an experimental branch.

Along with all of this I simplified a lot of the text on the side server panel and will be improving on the main content for these pages shortly.

Last but not least, I removed the twitter feed due to the API changes breaking my twitter embed. It is now replaced with an ironic meme. Enjoy.

6/28/2023 10:29AM
I fixed a few small styling issues on the projects page and attempted to fix a wierd bug that is causing my Birthday Message to appear on every 18th day of every month.

Also today, sadly, marks the day that the Welcome banner shows default "Professional" banner images/text upon first loading the website. To get the funny banner quotes and images you will need to click the banner and it will work just like it used too.

I know that it will be missed as I will miss it myself but wayyyy too many people commented on how "Unprofessional" it was to have text that says something meme like when you start the website for the first time to which I understand and am making this change for that reason.

6/23/2023 5:47PM
I added a sorting algorithm to the Servers page to sort the servers by their status. So the order the servers will display in will be: Online, Starting/Stopping, Maintenace, Offline, Archived, and then Unknown!

6/22/2023 4:34AM
I completely overhauled the servers page to display the servers and their current status aswell as the design to be slightly more user friendly.

I also removed a lot of unecessary components for the servers page as it initially was a jumbled mess of folders and code to retrieve the server information. Now it is one singular code snippet that gathers the server information!

I also completely overhauled the side-content display so the code works with the servers page as before they were two seperate entities that did not share information properly.

6/19/2023 9:23PM
I have added the backend code for the dynamic server status retrieval. So soon the servers will show their statuses based on they actual power states!

6/3/2023 10:56AM
Today I bring a very small fix which was to fix a spacing issue with the top of the side content. You probably never noticed it and after today won't be able to, so yeah, fixed!

I also fixed another very small issue with alignment on the Page Randomizer page.

4/30/2023 2:45PM
I finally migrated the webserver from the old WAMP Stack I was using to a new Nginx Server. I fixed a ton of errors throughout the entire site and believe it is back to normal. Hoping this improves development and deploying times. Only current noted issue is that when viewing a video, the show more button does not work and clears the "watch next" feed.

3/24/2023 11:03PM
I completely redesgined the way that Project Pages are shown to make the content far easier to connsume, there will be further updates to the design but for now it is better than it was by a lot as it doesn't hurt my ADHD brain as much anymore.

3/22/2023 8:33AM
Today was relatively productive so lets get into the updates!

I changed the background color of all pages slightly to make it a little darker.

I also redesigned the projects list on the Project Page and Side Content Bar, it should hopefully be easier to understand and also shows the creators that I worked with to make said project! Do note that this is not the final form of the redesign, just a published variant for now as I have more ideas but ran out of time.

The Updates page needed updated aswell to make it a little easier to read, so I also updated that, I still don't exactly enjoy it so expect there to be more changes as time goes on there aswell.

I also updated the Logo on the footer and updated a information throughout the website, aswell as added some animations in some places to make the site seem cleaner, there will be a lot more small changes like this coming soon!

2/23/2023 10:02AM
I have finally added functionality into the music page for links that include song numbers! Now whenever you click a link to my websites music page with a number attached to the end it will attempt to play that song!

However, the next feature I added has been added because all modern browsers do not allow instant autoplaying of sounds unless a user interacts with the tab first, so I have added a popup that requires a user to click to start a song!

This popup only appears when you go through a link to the music page with a song ID attached to it!

1/18/2023 11:20AM
Added birthday balloons, banner, and banner text to the website when you visit on 1/18 which is my birthday ;D It only appears on my birthday so be sure to visit to see some cool birthday eastereggs!

I also updated the footers copyright to auto-update to the newest year!

9/10/2022 8:00AM
Added a view counter to the Music Page to track views on each song.

This is currently only staic and only reports "Null" for the time being. I will be implementing the code soon!

4/10/2022 1:48AM
Added a search bar to the Videos page to allow for easy finding of videos since there are so many now.

3/29/2022 12:41AM
Added simple filters to the Videos page to allow the filtering of newest/oldest videos and most/least views. I will be expanding on this in the future but had to test my skills with simple sorting based on date and views for now.

Also fixed a bug with the navbar showing a scrollbar on Desktop, I had removed something for testing purposes and forgot to add it back when I uploaded the site.. Oops.

3/26/2022 3:20AM
Updated the Nav bar on both the Desktop and Mobile layouts of the website for ease of use and to make it more appealing to the eye. I have also made them way more modular than the past ones. I can add links whenever and the navbar will scale with that additions!

I have also optimized a ton of the images on the website. Most images that were over 25kbs were optimized to 25kbs or less if possible without losing too much quality. Hoping this speeds up some of the sites loading times for most of you all. More optimizations are to come soon!

I've also added in the bare bones of the FAQ page, it's there and there are some questions but that is about all that is there currently, it's not ready for prime time just yet.

11/23/2021 2:35AM
Updated the landing page to have better info and added a picture to the electronics portion of the zig-zag. Also added the ability to scroll the text in the zig-zag boxed for devices that are too small to show the full text box (mainly mobile devices).

Added a "No Album Art" image to the music page for songs with no album art.

Added project file counters to all of the project types on the projects page to show how many projects are in each catagory to make navigation a bit simpler (This will be improved in the future).

11/16/2021 5:12AM
Reworked how the Video Pages Link Metadata works so it now shows the video title, a new description for LynkTube, and the thumbnail of the video! I did also get the background code for showing the video in the thumbnail but it isn't ready just yet.

I am also rewriting the entire Music page to work more like an actual music library website with a music player with controls and everything. It should be done hopefully soon!

10/19/2021 2:46AM
I rewrote the backend of the Videos Page to add in the ability to track how many views a video has and made video loading slightly simpler so it loads faster and has more possibilites of future features such as a search bar.

I also created the LynkTube page which is just a glorified video player with a "suggestions" list on the side. Peep the LynkTube logo on the top left of the navbar when on the page, it takes you to the videos page when clicked because why not.

10/16/2021 11:39PM
Updated the Videos page to use thumbnails for videos rather than the videos themselves to reduce load times and added in the background code for views and dates for the videos. Added a few other Quality of Life features I forgot to the videos aswell.M

Also added borders to the Updates page to make it slightly easier to read.

6/23/2021 11:32PM
Added 3 new pages which include the Gallery, Videos, and F&Q pages.

The gallery page will show images whether ones that are on the website already or ones that are not on the website at the current moment.

The videos page will show video clips and videos of things that I feel should go there, mainly just funny clips from videos and interesting videos I have made.

The F&Q page will just answer some basic questions about the different pages and content on this website.

6/20/2021 2:46AM
Updated the way projects are loaded to make them a bit simpler. They are not as streamlined as I want just yet but they are a bit more automated now and will require less work to get projects added in the future.

Fixed a bug with banner easter egg audio stopping instantly after starting, it should play correctly now.

Fixed some browser compatibility issues which will hopefully make indexing the site a bit easier for crawlers.

Added 3 New easter eggs.

6/15/2021 3:20AM
Added a Twitter feed to the side content bar. This may be changed in the future, still thinking about it.

6/15/2021 2:42AM
Added and fixed all seasonal code for the desktop webpage, this includes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

Added a bunch of Quality of Life touch ups to the page to help with the flow and look of the site.

I also changed a ton of the information on the pages to make it a bit more personal than company oriented as this isn't really a full fledged company yet and this is kind of my portfolio website so I wanted to make it more of a personal portfolio than a companies webpage. This is also to not scare off any potential job offers as they may think that I already have a company and am not looking for a position in theirs.

6/14/2021 5:48PM
Updated the Contact page to look a little nicer and added in a copy to clipboard button!

3/5/2021 6:41PM
Added A Township Tale into the servers tab. Updated the servers page to have color coded lines under the states of the servers to provide an easier understanding of what each means.

3/1/2021 4:01AM
Added the image code to the Servers page so images can now be displayed for servers where needed. Also updated the Servers pages looks to make it a bit simpler to read in general. Still working on the server page design to make it look way more decent and easier to read in general.

2/15/2021 5:30AM
Updated some of the Banner easter eggs and made it so when one is found it will still continue refreshing the quotes like all other quotes do when clicked. So watch how fast you're clicking or you might miss the secrets!

2/15/2021 4:43AM
Made it possible to refresh the Welcome Banner Quotes by clicking on them. This also refreshes the Banner Image behind the text aswell.

2/15/2021 4:07AM
Updated the Servers page to have better displayed information. Working on a new method to displaying the Servers to provide more useful info.

2/15/2021 3:48AM
Updated the Music page to sort alphabetically rather than when the file was last added/edited and changed the look of the Audio player. Also added in the backend of a potential new Audio player solution to the Music page.

2/15/2021 3:00AM
Updated the 403-Error page to check your current URL and attempt to finish it to send you to a webpage rather than somewhere you shouldn't be. If unsucessful it will return you to the 404-Error page as it should attempt to send you to a broken link.

2/11/2021 12:05AM
Updated the 404-Error page to check your current URL and attempt to finish it to send you to a webpage. If unsucessful it will return you to the 404-Error page.

2/10/2021 11:44PM
Added the Music Page.

2/7/2021 4:12AM
Updated the Site-Wide Welcome Notification with an actual link to contact me and less text.

2/7/2021 3:57AM
Finished the base code for the projects page and the project pages themselves, they should work now. Also added notes into the server/project pages and revamped the Download code for both aswell.

2/6/2021 11:13PM
Updated the Site-Wide Welcome Notification to where after 10 seconds it will auto hide itself or if the user scrolls it will also hide it.

2/5/2021 10:36PM
Retired some of the Banner Quotes and added a new look to the Easter Eggs Menu.

2/4/2021 4:45PM
Added all of the servers to the Server page and Redesigned all of the Original Server Pages. These include download links to files aswell.

1/24/2021 12:28PM
Redesigned and added many new features to the site, also included many new Easter Eggs aswell!.

1/19/2021 2:59PM
Pushed the first Public Build of the Redesign.

1/6/2021 10:54PM
Start of Redesign of the Main Website.

9/16/2020 5:45AM
Recreated the Servers section of the landing page to be more minimal and space saving. Adding multiple server pages and assets for them.

8/3/2020 11:03PM
Added the Batle Phons page.

7/24/2020 10:00PM
Added the Rustified Rust Server page and updated the footer with the privacy policy and Terms and Conditions.

5/11/2020 6:26PM
Added the Updates Page.

5/11/2020 6:26PM
Updated the Main Page to have the Updates Page link.